Category: Uncategorized

  • I need a fantastic dispensary employee scheduling system.

    I worked for a local fast food store who had a strong management building tool, that was a university for their supervisors, however most of their supervisors came up through the ranks, starting out as study room employees, some of the better supervisors started out laboring as lobby cleaners plus learning every job in the […]

  • I need a great dispensary employee scheduling system.

    I worked for a local fast food store who had a strong management building tool, that was a school for their supervisors… Most of their supervisors came up through the ranks, starting out as family room employees, then some of the better supervisors started out working as lobby cleaners as well as learning every job […]

  • I need a great dispensary employee scheduling system.

    If I said there were never any mistakes, I would be a liar I worked for a local fast food store who had a strong management building tool, that was a college for their employers, most of their employers came up through the ranks, starting out as home office employees! Some of the better employers […]

  • I wasn’t sure if a PPC company was right for a cannabis store.

    I was helping a new franchisee open his cannabis store. I knew we needed SEO for his website, and we needed to do some advertising before the cannabis store opened. He asked if he should hire a PPC company. I wasn’t sure if the PPC was going to be right for a cannabis store. PPC […]

  • I lived across the street from the marijuana store.

    It’s funny how I lived across the street from the marijuana store, but I had never gone inside. There was just something that told me it wasn’t the right place to go. My best friend came over to visit and realized where I was located. The first thing he wanted to do was go to […]

  • New marijuana business in town

    Well, finally we have a cannabis dispensary. It took a while but this end of town is now served by a marijuana dispensary. I’m overjoyed, as are most of the people I know. Of course, there is a faction in this end of town who is all up in arms still that there is legal […]