Category: Uncategorized

  • Easing up thanks to marijuana

    I’m an intense person and I think I just landed on planet earth that way. My mother was put through the wringer with me. I was a willful child who was going to pretty much do what I wanted to do. And then, I would just do I total swan dive into my interests. It […]

  • Enjoying the trip to the cannabis dispensary

    I can’t wait until the day that I actually have a local cannabis spot. That will be so lovely. And I’m just eternally confident that this will indeed happen before too much longer. Our state got ever so close to passing medical marijuana during the last election cycle. And the new medical marijuana bill is […]

  • Chilling at the cannabis cafe

    If it’s early Saturday morning, you can probably find me at the cannabis cafe. This is true just about every Saturday and it’s been my saving grace since it first got here. Actually, the owners of the local cannabis spot were the ones who opened the cannabis cafe. They were the first folks to open […]

  • Getting my cannabis product delivered

    Okay, so I’m completely blown away by the fact that there is such a thing as a marijuana delivery service. This is simply incredible to me. I’m in my 50’s so I grew up when they actually still delivered stuff like milk and ice cream to the door. But I can remember when I was […]

  • Mom and I go to the cannabis dispensary

    It’s funny the things you get from your parents. And the older I get, the more I see mannerisms and characteristics that seem to come directly from mom and dad. So when my mom was so talkative that first time in the local cannabis spot, I knew that she was really nervous. I do the […]

  • I need a superb dispensary employee scheduling system.

    I worked for a local fast food store who had a strong management building tool, that was a school for their managers; Most of their managers came up through the ranks, starting out as dining room employees; Some of the better managers started out working as lobby cleaners and learning every job in the building! […]