Category: Uncategorized

  • After smoking the pre roll, I was ready for a nap

    My eyes started to believe heavy and my body became really relaxed, and after smoking the pre-roll, I was ready for a nap. My friends and I care about to play video games and go to comicon. Every one of us all get dressed up care about our favorite characters and pretend to be them […]

  • The security guard looked exactly like our brother

    I particularly assume our brother must have a doppelganger. I’ve had lots of instances where I see someone as well as I assume they remind me of another person! Some people just have a official face. Some people have the same wavy or curly hair that makes them look the same. Some folks have the […]

  • My homemade website was terrible

    When I started our cannabis dispensary I just made a website off a free platform; I wrote the triumphant myself, slapped some pictures on there plus called it wonderful enough; When I decided I wanted to offer curbside pickup, I realized I needed to change the website a bit. I ended up breaking our website […]

  • Medical marijuana is not an end all, be all cure, but it helps.

    My doctor thought the two of us had our depression under control, but it became obvious it wasn’t… She wanted to up the dose of antidepressants I was taking and add another medicine; I wasn’t feeling well about what I was already taking, but I knew I had to do something. I talked to a […]

  • Medical marijuana was a fantastic section of holistic health.

    I had never heard of holistic health until a year ago; My best buddy had been talking to someone he worked with about the holistic health expert he knew. I had never heard of holistic and started asking questions. My key question was if they were medical professionals or practitioners and how they differed from […]

  • Getting vapes delivered

    Vaping has changed the way I consume and appreciate cannabis. It offers all sorts of particular benefits! Because vapes are so popular, the local dispensary carries a wide range of options, then one of the perks when compared to traditional smoking is that there is no combustion process. The equipment doesn’t produce smoke, ash or […]