My child recommended marijuana to me

My grown child was leaving one afternoon when it was time for her to return to her home after a brief visit.

  • And she looked me deep in the eyes and told me that I needed to lighten up.

This pronouncement came as somewhat of a slap in the face. But there was just such utter concern in her face. So it made me pause. And I ended up taking her up on her suggestion of going to the local cannabis spot. My child discovered recreational marijuana in school and I was against it. That said, she is the sort of child that I never had to worry about. That girl always had her eye on the ball and knew what she wanted. Her brothers were a mess and to some degree, they still are. She explained to me that she used cannabis products because they helped her balance her perspective and relieve stress. My child has never been a drinker but she has continued to use marijuana. And she might be the most amazing person I know. That’s how I ended up inside the local cannabis spot really looking like some sort of worried narc. But the folks at the local cannabis spot were certainly kind to me and embraced me even though I was rigid with resistance. However, I was determined to at least try what my child proposed. So the kind people at the marijuana business got me the sativa dominant hybrid strain that my child had proposed. And here I am, a 62 year old guy who is not too far from retirement who is now glad to find some mellow. It’s hard to know even though I am indeed lightening up thanks to cannabis products.

medical uses for marijuana