Road trip west starts at local cannabis spot

This is a trip that we have been thinking about for ages.

And finally, we have the time, the gear and the momentum to make it happen.

But before we started the first mile of the first leg of the trip. There were some supplies still left to get. We had to stop by our cannabis dispensary prior to taking off for the better part of 2 months. My husband and I are hitting the open road in our truck and pulling our camper. We done cool trips before and having some purple haze along has always made things more fun and interesting. But we have never taken a shot at this sort of trip duration. And we are driving from the east coast to the west coast. Literally, we will stick our feet in the Atlantic ocean at home on the first day and then travel all the way to put our feet in the Pacific. It’s going to be awesome. But for sure, I wanted to get to the local cannabis spot to get some recreational marijuana to put in our camper. We live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal. But we’ll be traveling through stages where any cannabis is illegal. So we’re being really careful and keeping all the edibles and hybrid strains carefully stored with our rations in the camper. I love to take turns at the wheel of that big truck. And my husband likes to take a break from driving and nibble on a pot brownie during lunch. Then, I’m driving the rest of the day. But there are going to be so many things to explore and see for the first time. I’m just thankful to be able to purchase recreational marijuana for all those campfires and gorgeous views.

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