MS symptom management thanks to medical cannabis

I’ll never forget the day that I was diagnosed with MS.

But at the same time, the whole thing was sort of dreamlike. And this was prior to navigating the marijuana regulations in order to have access to a cannabis dispensary. Still, that moment in the office with the doctor seemed surreal. It was as though I wasn’t actually attached to my body but rather out there sort of floating. I could hear the words coming out of her mouth but they surely couldn’t be meant for me. I mean, I was just having some balance and spasm issues. I couldn’t possibly have MS. But once reality came into focus, I was lucky to have great professionals to help me. Group therapy was also essential. And that’s just where I learned all about using medical marijuana. More than half of my MS group had figured out just how to get their medical marijuana card to access the legal weed store. So that was super helpful and I was done with the cannabis regulations with ease. But the medical marijuana benefits for my situation have been significant. Right away, upon starting with cannabis flower products, I saw less muscle spasm and more range of motion. But I also think that the cannabis products have helped me change my perspective. Since I’ve been treating with medical cannabis, I feel more hopeful while being at peace with this radical change to my life. I give all that credit to medical marijuana. For sure, I will be helping any new person in the group navigate the marijuana regulations so they too can get medical marijuana benefits.

medical marijuana store