The marijuana shop got two new kinds of concentrate

My best friend Jack works at the marijuana dispensary near me.

The guy always knows when there are new products that come to the store.

Jack usually calls me so I can be one of the first people to get the new products. This week the marijuana shop got two new kinds of concentrate. One of the concentrates is a live rosin jam. The live rosin jam comes from a company that already makes live resin products that I absolutely love. The live resin products have great flavor and body and they provide a really nice high that still lets me function. I knew that I was going to want one of the live resin jam products. The other concentrate was a marijuana distillate in a syringe. The distillate syringes were easy to use in edibles, candy, brownies, butter, and dabs. It’s really hard to find distillate syringes that are dabbable. When Jack told me about the two new products, I grabbed some cash from the bank and headed down to the marijuana dispensary to take advantage of the sale. I didn’t want to wait to try the dabbable marijuana distillate syringes. If I would have waited until Jack was done with work, he could have gone to the dispensary for me and saved 30% on the order with his employee discount. I did not want to wait until the end of Jack shift after I found out about the dabbable distillate syringes. I knew they would be gone quickly, and I wanted to get at least one or two.


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