After the drive and the weed, I was ready to nap

My friend Max talked myself and others into taking a road trip with him.

Max wanted to drive into the valley to buy recreational marijuana products.

I don’t use much recreational marijuana products, but I was gleeful to take a road trip with Max so he did not have to drive the hour there plus back alone. I was going to wait with the car while Max was in the dispensary, but the parking lot was pretty packed plus I did not want to be outside alone for an hour. I went inside the store with Max plus the two of us got in line. It took almost an hour before the two of us actually got to see one of the budtenders plus beginning placing our order. Thankfully there was a nice rock n roll station playing in the background. It made the time go a lot faster! Max picked out numerous different marijuana concentrate products from the sale counter. Max also bought a couple of pre-rolled marijuana joints, however one of those pre-rolled marijuana joints was an infused product with distillate plus bubble hash. Max smoked that joint on the way apartment from the marijuana dispensary. I took more than one puff from the recreational marijuana joint plus I was actually high, however by the time the two of us got to my apartment from the road trip, I was ready to take a nap. I needed a good 4 or 5 hours of sleep after getting high. I slept all afternoon plus half of the evening before Max called myself and others plus I woke up. The infused marijuana joint actually knocked myself and Max on our butt. It was potent, flavorful, plus actually smooth.

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