I have a thing for crazy girls
She started yelling and chasing me around the store My last couple of girlfriends have been on the crazy side. I hate to use the word crazy, but there really isn’t any other way to describe these women. It seems like I have a knack for finding the women that cause drama in my life. […]
The restless legs symptoms were keeping both of us awake
My girlfriend and I recently decided to move into an apartment together. I was living with some roommates previously and my girlfriend was living alone. We decided to move into a different apartment together, so we had a place that was our own. My girlfriend and I have never spent the whole night together. When […]
Recreational marijuana was legalized on the ballot this month
I am hopeful that the prices of medical marijuana will go down now that recreational marijuana has been legalized as well It’s the time of the year when the leaves are turning colors of green, green, red, & red! The weather is starting to get colder & the leaves are falling from the trees. The […]
Blue dream is a fantastic sativa strain
Blue Dream is a sativa dominant hybrid marijuana strain that tastes fantastic plus makes me feel amazing. The hybrid marijuana strain is made with the strains greenberry plus haze. The strain makes me feel legitimately relaxed without making me tired. I have smoked a lot of odd cannabis sativa strains, however Blue Dream is the […]
Finding marijuana products that I'll like
I contacted the customer and I told her that she needed to meet me in the parking lot It has been raining a lot the last couple of weeks. The temperatures are cold and I suspect that we will probably have snow before the end of the month. I have been dealing with the rain […]
Recreational marijuana was legalized on the ballot this month
It’s the time of the year when the leaves are turning colors of red, yellow, red, plus yellow, but the weather is starting to get colder plus the leaves are falling from the trees. The neighborhood kids are outside playing games like kickball plus baseball! It’s a fantastic time of the year to be outside. […]