The big storm is bearing down on us

If you never hear from myself or Ed again, know it was the storm that got us! As I write this a hurricane is approaching the state, and by this time tomorrow Ed and I could be in the belly of a hurricane, and be stuck without power and WIFI.

These kinds of sizable storms happen numerous times a year around here, so Ed and I are quite used to them.

Although I am not scared of a hurricane, I am always cautious, and like to prepare a cache of emergency supplies just in case. The supplies include everything from canned food and bottled water to canned Coors and bags of medical cannabis. If I am going to ride out a horrible storm then I absolutely need to have a full supply of whiskey and marijuana, right? Last season there was a hurricane which flooded the town and knocked out the power for a full month – if I didn’t have cannabis at the time Ed and I would have gone insane! Smoking marijuana not only settles my nerves and calms my mind, it makes myself and Ed ecstatic; Doctors prescribe all kinds of pills for anxiety and depression, however all they actually need to do is start to prescribe more medical cannabis! I have the iPhone number for the local cannabis dispensary saved in my iPhone, so I can contact them with the touch of 1 button. During the hurricane the cannabis dispensary will have to be closed, which is why it’s so pressing to be stocked up ahead of time. Even if I ran out of canned food and bottled water, I couldn’t bear to run out of cannabis.

Cannabis edibles