The marijuana dispensary displayed for weeks before the annual 4/20 sale.
I don’t think there was a single person in the whole valley that did not think about the sale. We wanted most people to take advantage of the sale prices that all of us were offering. We were selling our entire collection of pre-rolls for 50% off. We were selling our entire collection of cannabis concentrates for 30% off. The rest of the items in the dispensary were going to be on sale as well in addition to all of us displayed online, on the sound dock, in addition to all of us put up some extra billboards around the city. On the morning of 4:20, the dispensary purchasers were parked all over the parking lot, down the street, in addition to in the bank parking lot! Unluckyly, the day of the celebration was a Thursday in addition to the bank wasn’t easily cheerful that the dispensary purchasers were taking up parking. I gained a call from the bank director. The person told me that she was going to start having cars towed at 11:00 a.m. She wanted me to tell most people at the dispensary that the cars would be towed if they were not moved! People in line had 20 sixths to move their vehicle. A couple of people bolted from the marijuana dispensary, but there were a couple of other purchasers in line that decided to wait it out in addition to see what happened. At precisely 11:00 a.m, a tow truck showed up at the bank in addition to stayed there the rest of the day. They weren;t kidding around about staying out of their lot.