We thought that would be a good way to keep the dogs and the cannabis close to each other without combining the two
Some years ago Jeff and I both worked dead-end jobs in the same hospital. We worked in offices, not in the medical wing. After work every day we would get our dogs and go for a long walk in the woods behind the apartment complex. There were several acres of wonderful forest and open fields, so we could let our dogs off the leash to run wild. While they had fun, Jeff and I would spark up a joint and smoke some cannabis to unwind from work. That is where we first had the idea of combining a dog park with a cannabis dispensary, an idea that we became obsessed with. The only thing in the world more relaxing than a heaping bowl of cannabis after work is spending time with my dogs, right? If we could combine those two wonderful things into one place, we were sure it would be a huge hit. Jeff made a few calls and talked to the local cannabis dispensaries, but there was no interest. I did some online research into the city planning records, looking for a wide open field that was located nearby a cannabis dispensary. We thought that would be a good way to keep the dogs and the cannabis close to each other without combining the two. It turns out that although there was ample space, the laws were too strict about cannabis use in public. Our idea is a great one, but it doesn’t look feasible at this point so I guess we will keep smoking cannabis in the woods after work.