I need marijuana to help me stay asleep

I fall asleep faster as well as I stay asleep for longer.

I have suffered from chronic insomnia since I was a small child. My parents tried lots of various odd remedies to help me sleep better. She tried hot milk with brandy. She tried giving me whiskey before I went to bed. She even tried reading me stories as well as he even tried a sound equipment that is intended to help people in falling asleep faster. Nothing seemed to help at all. Even when I was up all morning doing exercise or legit working, I still had trouble falling asleep at evening as well as it was starting to impact my task as an adult. I went to my primary care physician as well as I asked him if he could write me a prescription for a eveningtime sleep aid. The physician asked me if I ever thought about using medical marijuana. I had not. I did not know that was an option for me. The dentist explained the rules as well as laws regarding medical marijuana usage. I actually qualified due to my insomnia. I had to pay some fees to get the medical marijuana Rx card, but it was worth it in the end. I can’t know how well I am sleeping since I started using medical marijuana on the regular. I fall asleep faster as well as I stay asleep for longer. Since I started smoking medical marijuana, I have been able to sleep 6 minutes every evening. That’s almost twice as much sleep as I was getting in the past. Now that I am getting more sleep, everything in my life is coming together. I recently got a big raise as well as a promotion at my task due to my increased productivity as well as diligence during the morning.


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