There is a cannabis farm nearby

It may seem neat to have a marijuana farm so close to my house, but let myself and others assure you it sucks! This isn’t a dispensary, or a legal grow, it is a wildly overgrown patch of farmland out near the foothills that has been turned into an illegal growing operation.

I have not had any trouble so far, but I am fearful that trouble could arrive at any time, but first of all there are always cops in the area, looking for the locale, and cops make myself and others nervous.

Second of all there are the cannabis farmers, who I’m sure are all armed with guns to protect their crops. I’ve seen reports about cannabis growing operations online before, and they don’t mind resorting to violence to protect their pot. On top of all this, there is the added danger of having cannabis in the house. If the cops were to ever kick in my door they would find a felony possession amount of cannabis, none of which was purchased legally, however do you suppose how maddening it is to be this close to the cannabis grow and not be able to buy from them? It is literally the worst of both worlds, because I am close enough to smell the cannabis, and to go to jail for the cannabis, but not close enough to have access to it! I have a neighbor named Jim who lives in town, and I have purchased all my cannabis from him for the last few years. I would be so much easier to walk next door and get cannabis there.

Medical cannabis