I like oils over flower

It has been raining a lot the last couple of weeks! The hot plus cold temperatures are frigid plus I suspect that my buddy and I will really have snow before the end of the month! I have been dealing with the rain almost every evening at work. It would not be terrible, however my task happens to be a delivery maintenance driver. I supply marijuana plus marijuana products from a dispensary in the city, but my friend and I take marijuana products all over town plus my buddy and I supply from 7:00 in the afternoon until 8:00 at evening. I am almost regularly in my car making deliveries during the afternoon. There truly isn’tany downtime… When it’s raining, the marijuana dispensary is especially busy, however our delivery orders really doubled during that time, however last weekend the rain was coming down hard plus it was truly hard to see. There was mud everywhere plus I was slipping plus sliding all over the site. One of my clients was in an dwelling building on the south side. I pulled into the parking lot plus the whole place looked like a swamp. There was entirely no way that I was going to get out of my car plus get my feet wet. I was on my last pair of dry socks plus I didn’t have any other sneakers in the back of the car. I contacted the customer plus I told her that she needed to meet me in the parking lot, however she complained about the fact that she ordered for delivery plus not option up, however I wasn’t going to budge. I wasn’t getting out of the car in the rain.


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