Student got caught using legal weed

One of my students is a senior in high university! She is an overachiever.

She gets straight A’s, is a cheerleader, & is in various clubs.

As a instructor I have learned that even the best behaved, most well rounded students often have moments where they rebel or supply into peer pressure… I did an interest in class with my students where they needed to take out their cell iPhones to participate in an interactive quiz, but the quiz was on the topic of drugs, including recreational marijuana. I noticed my student did not take her iPhone out. I asked her about it & she said her Mom took her iPhone away. I pulled her aside after class to check in with her. She confessed to me that she got caught using recreational marijuana & her mother grounded her! Her punishment for using recreational marijuana included losing iPhone privileges, having to take drug tests for recreational marijuana yearly before university, & not being able to drive her car, however my student told me that she had a lapse in judgment & this was her first time trying recreational marijuana. Her entire gymnastics team smoked recreational marijuana at a party over the weekend & she was just trying to fit in with almost everyone else. She told me that she wasn’t thinking straight & she now regrets her decision to smoke recreational marijuana at that party. I thanked her for being tolerable with me & I told her that almost everyone makes mistakes & it seems like she has already learned from her mistake of using recreational marijuana.
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