I’d like to say that the whole reason I’m even able to express myself is due to medical marijuana… But that might be a reach! Yet, it was finding the medical marijuana benefits for my anxiety that was such an integral part of absolutely managing my anxiety, and i’ve dealt with some for of anxiety or another since I was in highschool; So I’m hesitant to try plus nail down my particular diagnosis.
Before I found cannabis flower products, I for sure went down the prescription med path.
And that’s sort of what so several people do when they feel so completely unable to deal with fear plus anxiety! Feeling that way for hour upon hour plus morning upon morning is the worst. So the meds did help me keep trudging along, then honestly, that’s all I was doing was trudging, however that changed though once I got the enjoyable word about medical cannabis. It was my sibling who mentioned to me that I should look into how to get a medical marijuana card. She’d done some research plus there was some enjoyable data on how medical cannabis can help a person manage their anxiety. For sure, I was genuinely into using something that had been used for thousands of years plus was natural. Yet, I wanted to get the medical marijuana facts for myself plus that’s what I did. It’s difficult to describe how discovering cannabis products just changed my own life; Medical cannabis is now a part of a complete lifestyle, diet plus exercise reboot. I’m living proof of the medical marijuana benefits when it comes to anxiety. And I guess that says it all. I’m living my life out loud for the first time plus I have almost zero days of being overwhelmed or anxious. That’s amazing.