The change of operations among cannabis dispensaries

A few years back when I sold weed from my car’s back, it was up to the seller to protect their customer base.

The competition was fierce considering that 20 to 40 sellers were on the same streets.

Local cannabis sellers had to carry a gun at the time to see if they could protect themselves from other dealers! It was not easy back then but I’m glad the legalization cleared things out. Thanks to my savings during my weed-dealing years, and a strategic partnership, I am currently the manager of a local, legal cannabis shop.There may still be competition but not as fierce.Today the competing cannabis shop owners are polite and respectful. This isn’t a criminal enterprise anymore, but one of the legit businesses to own! Cannabis is simply our inventory of choice, but it still works as a commodity. Sellers are therefore able to work together. In fact, we have learned that by working together but not against each other, the cannabis shops are prospering. Over the summer time we plan to collectively sponsor a Cannabis Fest in the downtown area. All of our cannabis dispensaries will be represented in booths and tents. We are also going to have bands playing live songs all weekend long to provide entertainment. We will also have food trucks, prizes and giveaways, as well as free samples of new cannabis products. Even so, none of the local cannabis dispensaries could have done this alone. Working together should be profitable for all the people in the industry. Consider joining us at the Cannabis event later this summer.

Cannabis oil