The current and new employee shirts look a lot better

I toil at a local marijuana shop.

The recreational and medical marijuana shop has been open for several years.

The business was easily one of the first places to open after recreational and medical marijuana were legalized in this state. When the marijuana shop opened up, the owners did not have a lot of cash. They bought uniform shirts for the staff that did not fit well and were itchy. They faded after three washing component cycles and mine was falling apart at the seams after only six months. I complained for a while about the shirts, however the boss did not do anything about the problem. Then, just last week, I came into the toil and there was a box of brand new and current employee t-shirts. The employee shirts have the name of the dispensary on the front and our motto is listed on the back. The uniform shirts are made of a soft material that is pre washed. I unquestionably enjoy the current employee shirts, because they are not itchy and scratchy. We’ve also gotten a lot of compliments from clients and they seem to like the current shirts too. I think they look a lot better as well. I only got to take two shirts and I toiled 5 days a week. I’m going to need to launder these two shirts a lot in the start, however the boss said that he plans to order additional shirts now that he has seen the quality. Each one of the employees will have five shirts in total if they are a full-time employee and that will unquestionably cut down on my various laundry loads.

recreational pot dispensary near me