Marijuana can magically cure a hangover

My body felt fantastic and my stomach wasn’t frustrated

My friends and I went to a rock and roll concert event that was 3 days long. The event was held in an odd state. My friends and I were simply going to drive to the location, however it was going to take 15 hours. My friend and I decided to fly and rent a motorcar instead. I rented a small motor car with barely enough room for myself and my luggage. My friends rented an SUV and a minivan. When I saw the prices of hotels, I instantly wished that I had rented an SUV or a minivan. I would have happily slept in the minivan as long as temperatures were comfortable at night. I had to simply pay 50 bucks a night for my hotel room and neither one of the guys wanted to split the cost with me. On the very first day of the concert, I was hungover from drinking too much the night before. Someone at the concert provided me a marijuana joint. I do not correctly smoke recreational marijuana, however I was hungover and I did not think it would hurt. I also smoked the entire recreational marijuana joint when the guy. I was high halfway through, however I decided to keep smoking! For the next 3 hours straight, my head felt like it was floating above the clouds. I wasn’t upset about the hangover. My body felt fantastic and my stomach wasn’t frustrated. I did not know that recreational marijuana could help with a hangover, however now that I know, it might be part of my weekend regimen. I also felt fantastic after smoking the joint and my hangover disappeared completely.


Marijuana can magically cure a hangover