Is there an expiration for Cannabis?

Cannabis, like any other product, has an expiration date; using it when it’s fresh will provide the greatest therapeutic benefits.

Most types of cannabis can be stored properly for at least a year.

Keep it in an airtight basket or bucket in a cool, dark, and dry location. The shelf life of cannabis, on the other hand, is determined by the type of product and its ingredients. Edibles, for example, have a limited shelf life due to the perishable ingredients they contain. Cookies and brownies containing milk and eggs last only 2-3 afternoons, whereas cannabis-infused candies containing fewer perishable ingredients can last 6-9 months. Cannabis flower’s shelf life is determined by how well it is cured and stored. Cannabis that has been properly dried, cured, and stored can last up to 18 months, but it is best consumed within six months because it is difficult to maintain optimal storage conditions. The shelf life of wax and hashish is determined by the amount of flower contained. Wax with the least amount of flower can last up to two years, while hashish with the most amount of flower can last up to 18 months. Vape pens should last for about 2-3 years if used properly. Expiration dates for various cannabis topicals vary. Oils, creams, and gels can be stored properly for up to two years. Cannabis-infused cosmetics and soaps can last up to two years. CBD tinctures have the longest shelf life, with some lasting up to ten years. Most are infused with high-proof alcohol, allowing them to last so long. The smell, texture, and mold all indicate when cannabis products have expired. A foul odor, crumbling or fragile texture, and mold growth are all indications that your cannabis product has passed its expiration date.



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