I care about the infused pre rolls

One of my friends is having trouble with her guy, so she came to hang out at my locale for a couple of days. I absolutely think that she should leave that guy because he is a jerk however she still thinks that he is going to change. In my opinion, a leopard does not change its spots.I know that she thinks he is magically going to turn into a different person, but the reality is that people do not genuinely change. My neighbor works at a marijuana dispensary in the city. She drives about 25 minutes, however she has a car that has genuinely enjoyable gas mileage. I have to drive a minivan back plus forth to work, so I’m genuinely glad that I do not have to drive entirely far when I go to work, when my neighbor came over on Wednesday, she brought some free rolled marijuana joints from the dispensary. I have never seen that marijuana in the dispensary plus she told me that they were brand new. I was one of the first people to try them out. She told me not to tell anyone that she let me try them, because they will not be for sale until next month. I think that my neighbor was being over dramatic, however I agreed not to tell anyone at all. The infused pre-rolls tasted exactly like cereal. The infused pre-rolls were some of the best tasting marijuana joints that I have ever smoked. The product was extremely high quality plus the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch was spot on. I could taste the milk, the sugar, plus the cinnamon.

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