The marijuana delivery service pretty much covers all of the town plus a lot of the country areas outside of the Metropolitan region.
- I’ve been working for the marijuana delivery service for a good 8 months.
I was working behind the counter plus then a spot eventually opened up for a delivery driver. One of my good buddies was working as a driver plus the guy was making $100 each and every single night in tips. On the weekends, he was making twice that amount. I was hoping to land a job working as a delivery driver as well. When the spot was eventually opened, I went right to the director plus asked if I could interview. She was telling me that an interview was not necessary plus I could have the job working as a delivery driver without any problems. She could find someone else to take over my shifts inside of the store. I prefer working at the marijuana shop plus dispensary to be perfectly honest. It is a locale with a very amazing ambiance. Everyone is genuinely courteous, chill, plus laid back. I usually have orders all the way until the end of the evening hours plus I don’t get back until the store is totally closed. On Tuesday night the last delivery of the night was pretty far out to the west side of the city. The order came in very late right before closing. It was a 45 minute drive from the pot shop to the address, but the client ordered $400 worth of merchandise. I did not get to the address until it was 11:15 at night, but the client did not seem to mind very much about me being there late. The guy was actually pretty happy that he had his marijuana supplies plus did not have to wait any longer.