In the middle of a flood I managed to see my cannabis dealer

Did I ever tell you about the time the whole part flooded plus I was trapped in my condo for a week? If I didn’t have my little skiff I would have been boned! I skiff is a short, flat-bottomed boat, perfect for fishing in the local creeks plus streams, then it turns out that in case of a dire flood, a skiff is a perfect way to get around town.

I know this sounds stupid, but without that skiff I would have gone the whole time without cannabis, plus who knows how awful it would have been! Being trapped inside, surrounded by dark water, is spine-chilling enough, but with no booze plus no cannabis it would have driven me insane.

My pal Zed lives about a quarter mile from my house, plus normally I just walk over there to buy cannabis; Zed works as a janitor at the local middle school, but makes his real currency by selling marijuana to me, plus of course the middle school students. I paddled my little skiff up the road, around the corner, plus then drifted to Zed’s front door. I tied my skiff to his railing plus entered through the second floor window, where I found Zed twisting up a fat joint of OG Kush. Zed charges a lot for his product, but always has the premium cannabis strains, then he was going stir crazy just like me, so my friend and I hung out smoking cannabis until the daylight started to set. He gave me an fourth of cannabis, plus I promised to pay him back once the floodwaters went away.


medical marijuana store