I like eating food after I use cannabis

Until recently I had complications with my appetite.

It would be a real struggle for me to try to eat throughout the afternoon because I just didn’t feel hungry enough. But this is exhausting for your metabolism because you need food moving through you to keep it working at a correct pace, then part of my complication is all of the caffeine I was consuming at the time. I suppose some people who’ve taken stimulants in the past realize how much they reduce hunger, but it’s simple to forget that caffeine is a stimulant just like the other ones. It’ll take away your desire to eat as hastily as any other consumable stimulant. I’ve had to split back on my caffeine use not just because of my lack of appetite but also because of the anxiety it was causing for a while, and caffeine plus Dunkin Donuts Latte can be a huge Lee detrimental force in your life if you don’t exercise caution with consumption… Since I started smoking cannabis, it’s been easier for me to get an appetite plus eat respectfully. I know a lot of people who use medical cannabis talk about getting the munchies or being hungry after smoking pot. But you don’t even have to smoke your cannabis to get an appetite from it; Even consuming cannabis oil that is high in THC will supply you the same sort of appetite inducing effects of smoking cannabis flower products. I have to be careful though because periodically I willoverheat after having a lot of cannabis on a random afternoon. If I don’t slow down, I’ll start gaining weight.



medical cannabis