I don’t trust government approved cannabis dispensaries

I’ve always been a political anarchist.

I don’t care about the different political parties, or about who is Red and who is Blue.

To me the whole system is a mess, and should be absolutely overthrown. I know this sounds extreme, but trust me I’m not a terrorist or anything like that. I firmly believe that humans were supposed to live in small groups and tribes. When a group gets too big it becomes unmanageable. I love living in the USA, I just don’t think it’s sustainable for much longer. Being staunchly anti-government, I have never stepped foot inside a legal cannabis dispensary. I don’t feel the government has the authority to tell me which plants are acceptable and which aren’t, so I keep growing my own cannabis at home, like I have done for over a decade. I came by this organically, because both of my parents were former hippies who smoked cannabis every day. I learned everything I know from them, both about politics and about growing my own marijuana plants. Part of me is curious to visit a legal cannabis dispensary and see what they have to offer. On the other hand, I don’t want to get recorded on cameras, or have my name entered into their cannabis dispensary database. I fear that the government will start tracking me just by visiting a cannabis dispensary, even if I don’t purchase anything. I know that I’m probably being paranoid, but since I already have all the cannabis I need at home I will just keep doing what I have always done.


medical marijuana store