My father has unquestionably exhausting anxiety.
It started out just being something that has him slightly anxious to being a full blown problem, then my dad started having trouble driving to work, however he also got unquestionably negative plus had undoubtedly depressive thoughts.
My mother’s solution was to take him to a doctor plus get him on glad pills, and the doctor made him wait hours in the waiting room plus required a prostate exam. The pills had side effects plus my father never remembered to call them in. He was constantly off his medicine! When it came time to renew the prescription plus go back to the doctor, he flat out refused. I have a recreational marijuana dispensary near me. I have learned about the pros of recreational weed. I talked to the local budtender on what to do; No prescription or doctor’s visit needed. No exams or money out of pocket. My father was able to walk into the recreational pot shop plus pick out what he needed. The budtender got him set up with a vape plus an oil cartridge. The strain has THC plus CBD in it. My father is a peach farmer plus is outside most of his afternoon. It is enjoyable that he can keep the vape around his neck plus take a puff when he needs to. He enjoys vaping cannabis oil vs taking a pill. When he needs more, it is an self-explanatory stop to get it. I also can pick up his products if I need to. It unquestionably has been helping him out.