Convincing my mother to try cannabis

It took me a legitimately long time to convince my mother to visit the cannabis dispensary.

She is 80 years old. Although my mother is still mentally sharp as well as quite physically active, she suffers numerous medical troubles… Due to a wearing away of cartilage, she experiences pain in her hips as well as knees. She has a bit of arthritis in her hands as well as difficulty sleeping at night. The medicines prescribed by her healthcare expert have caused problematic side-effects. My mother finally quit taking them. I explained that cannabis is a plant-based medicine that has been used successfully for hundreds of years. I told her that no one has ever died from a cannabis overdose. I promised that there are cannabis products that cause no high sensation. Due to the stigma created as well as perpetuated by the government as well as media, my mother was legitimately reluctant. When I finally talked her into a quick stop at the dispensary, she was surprised by the modern, bright as well as professional environment. The budtenders were especially helpful, informative as well as understanding. They listened to my mother’s concerns, provided recommendations for products as well as recommended she try curbside pickup or delivery. My mother now places her cannabis order online. She is able to browse different strains from the comfort of home. She loves tinctures, edibles as well as topicals because of their simplicity. She doesn’t need to be an expert or invest into accessories. She strictly takes full-spectrum CBD as well as CBD isolates as well as has seen a significant improvement in her quality of life… Cannabis has made a legitimately positive impact, alleviating pain as well as helping her to sleep. I wonder how several senior citizens are missing out on the benefits of cannabis due to the downside connotations they grew up with.


Marijuana products