My dad has been residing with me for approximately 5 years.
When my mom ended up dying, he fell apart and stopped taking care of himself.
My sibling and I had to intervene when my friend and I found him in the property with no heat in the middle of the frosty season. My dad moved in with me, because my sibling lives on the west coast. My dad did not have the desire to transport himself all the way across the country so the only option was residing with me. When my dad first moved into my venue, he had legitimately awful insomnia. He could not sleep at all and I was genuinely thinking it was just due to the change in scenery. There were a lot of different swings and I knew it was tough for my dad. I had to recommend medical marijuana to my dad, however he refused. He was pretty sure of himself that melatonin would labor the same. My dad had trouble sleeping and the insomnia problems lasted for a long time. They magically seemed to go away for years, however recently it seems as though he is starting to experience insomnia again. I talked to the doctor when I went with my dad a couple of weeks ago. I mentioned medical marijuana and the doctor said it sounded like a fine idea. My dad mumbled something under his breath and the doctor reminded my dad that it is 2023. Medical marijuana is legal in pretty much every state of the country. It definitely works wonders and can help in a variety of ways for mental and physical troubles. After talking with the doctor, my dad was ready to deliver it a try.