I couldn't find the house address

Last weekend it was cold, wet, and raining.

I really don’t like the rain much at all.

The cold air and water makes me feel very cold. Even when it’s summertime and it’s raining, I like to use that heater at home. My girlfriend thinks it’s crazy when she has the air conditioner running and I still use the space heater, but I guess that’s just part of living in this tropical environment. Things have been much better around here since marijuana was legalized. There’s a lot more money for repairs on infrastructure and roads. They just replaced the bridge that has been in bad shape for at least 10 years. Every time I had to cross the bridge, I was worried that I was going to fall into the ravine. I have to cross the bridge frequently, because I work as a delivery driver for a marijuana dispensary. The marijuana dispensary is open 7 days a week rain or shine. We don’t even close on Christmas, New Year’s or any other federal holidays. The new bridge makes it safer to cross the ravine, but it doesn’t help me find addresses more quickly. Last weekend, I couldn’t find a house address and I was up in the hills. I hate going up to the hills to make a delivery. They all tip good, but the roads are so crappy. I had one bar of phone signal and then I didn’t have any at all. I was driving all up and down the mountain trying to find the delivery address and it was raining and muddy everywhere.

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