Choosing a new heating device for Chloe

If clueless had a face, it would be that of my drop-dead-gorgeous friend Chloe.

Chloe was oblivious to the world around her, and coming from old money did not help matters.

Today, Chloe held her phone to me with the screen displaying over ten HVAC brands. I looked at her helplessly since I was as helpless as her when it came to which whole home heating unit was ideal. Since she wanted new heating equipment that was nothing short of the best in the heating industry, I knew just the right person to ask. We had been working the morning shift, so we had the afternoon off. I called the heating company to find out if I could schedule heater maintenance. That day Chloe came home with me to ask the HVAC professional everything she needed to know and more about heating. We were lucky that we were the last call the heating dealer attended to, which meant he could advise us on the unit without hurrying to his next appointment. Chloe told him about her home and what she wanted to achieve with her next heat pump installation. She had in the last year bought a new smart thermostat to help with indoor comfort, so that was one less thing to worry about, not that she ever had to worry about money. The heating technician offered her his heating business card to contact him for more information since it was getting late and he had to leave. She invited him to join us for drinks in typical Chloe fashion, but he politely declined. Instead of going out, we opted to open a bottle of wine, ordered take-out as we discussed, and marveled at how expensive heat pumps are, not to mention the installation cost.

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