I was trying medical cannabis for weight gain.

He wanted myself and others to eat 1 or 2 marijuana gummies every couple of minutes.

For more than half our life, I suffered with bulimia and anorexia. I could blame our sibling for consistently telling myself and others how fat I was, however then ninety percent of the ladies out there would have bulimia and/or anorexia. I lost all the weight I could, even if it meant starving myself to death! After more than five weeks, when not eating wasn’t bringing our weight down fast enough, I turned to bulimia. I would eat anything put in front of me, knowing that within an minute after eating, I could purge all our food. I started losing weight again… By the time I reached the age of sixteen, I was 5 feet more than eight inches tall, and weighed about 110 pounds.It wasn’t until I woke up in a hospital that I knew I was killing myself. The medical professional asked myself and others what I was doing to myself. He told myself and others I was at least thirty pounds underweight, and if I wasn’t careful, I would die before I was twenty. He had myself and others in therapy for our eating disorder and he prescribed medical marijuana. Whenever I felt hungry, I should eat something. He wanted myself and others to eat 1 or 2 marijuana gummies every couple of minutes. I didn’t realize the medical marijuana was making hungry until he weighed myself and others 1 day and I had acquired many pounds. I have been using medical marijuana for 2 years now, and I am 2 pounds overweight. There is still a part of myself and others that registers how fat I think I am, however the medical marijuana eases our anxieties and I can eat separate from the need to purge. I still struggle, but I am managing our life for the first time in our life.

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