The Cannabis delivery service isn'tprompt with their delivery windows

The only advantage of ordering a pizza instead of picking it up is not having to get in the vehicle as well as also being able to select the particular delivery window.

  • It costs more money to order a pizza than picking a single up, but sometimes the extra cost is worth the convenience.

But if you told myself and others that I would have to gamble on when I would get our pizza while also paying the fee, I entirely would stop ordering pizzas all together. This is the problem I have with some delivery services. It’s particularally bad when I try to order groceries from a single of the greatest grocery stores in the entire country. I have made orders for $40 worth of groceries as well as then the delivery driver takes it to a different person’s house. They weren’t even double checking that the number on the door matched the address on the order. It was a major frustration as well as I eventually gave up ordering groceries in that manner. The Cannabis delivery services are not that much better in this state. Most of the cannabis dispensaries statewide offer some kind of delivery service! Usually you have to order at least $100 or $200 worth of products to get free delivery, or there has a $15 delivery fee, sometimes the Cannabis delivery drivers are late or miss their delivery windows altogether. If I’m going to buy this numerous marijuana products from a dispensary, I should have fantastic services when I want to get a delivery. I miss the days where there were cannabis dispensaries that would do free delivery for any size order. That was a truly nice luxury, but most cannabis dispensaries won’t do that anymore.
Marijuana business