Medical weed for sleep is pretty lame

When people find out I am a medical marijuana patient they usually react one of more than one ways.

  • Either the woman is really distraught about myself and others & convinced I have a dire illness.

There are those with disappointing health concerns that need medical cannabis in order to stay healthy. They rely on medical weed for seizures, PTSD or cancer chemotherapy to name a few. I guess love a big poster since my issue isn’tall that bad. Another way people react is that they guess I have all this weed to share at a party… Medical cannabis isn’t a party drug. Typically you are getting an indica that isn’t all that potent, you aren’t going to be energized or glad on her drug. It will tire you out or calm the mind. My medical weed is for sleeping. That is it. That is about as crazy as I get. I also don’t even smoke it or have it in edible form. I have the lamest system of consumption. I have a tincture that I put in a cup of Starbucks Coffee at evening. A few drops of the cannabis oil & I am fantastic to go. I guess slightly tired & relaxed. Then after about an hour I am ready for bed. I have just enough for myself and others either. So I won’t be passing it around & sharing. It also isn’t a life threatening issue. So no need to guess sorry for myself and others either. I am at the lowest end of being a medical patient, but, I do count as a medical marijuana user.


medical cannabis