There are lots of different apartments in the city.
All of us deliver marijuana products to every single one of the venues.
There are a few buildings down by the riverside that have more than 13 floors. Some of these high-rise buildings have even more floors. I had to take a marijuana delivery to a single 1 of those apartments last weekend. It was just before dark when I arrived. The cannabis shopper wanted myself and others to walk up to her front door. I tried to get her to meet me downstairs by the parking lot. I went to the elevator so I could save some time plus our back. The elevator hadn’t been working. I had to climb up 10 flights of stairs to get to the customer. The shopper answered the door then I gave her all of the products that she ordered. Blessedly, I had forgotten a single of the products in our vehicle. The shopper qualified for a free cannabis pre-roll plus I had those in the front seat. I had to walk all the way back down the stairs plus to the car to get the free pre-roll. The shopper asked about it, so I could not just leave separately from giving her the product that she proposed. By the time I got done climbing well over 20 flights of stairs, I was ready for a break. My legs were hurting plus our calves were on fire. I worked out a lot harder that day than I have in 3 weeks at the gym. I should be walking stairs if I want to be in the best physical shape.