The drinks will change the world

I had to give up on drinking after I just squeaked by in undergraduate school.

It was a sheer miracle that I was accepted into our #1 grad school program plus took it as a new start.

I wouldn’t get all of the diverse options I got while in our first more than three years of school with our new PhD program so I figured that alcohol was the first thing that needed to go in our new life. Too much of our daily laziness was perpetuated by indulging in too much liquor consumption. My entire undergraduate experience was common, actually, compared to our friends that attended substantial state universities. I went to a tiny liberal arts school that had fewer students than our private school. In this place there was a drastic clique environment plus you had to find a group of friends if you didn’t desire to slip between the cracks within the school’s social world. A lot of our best school friends fell into alcoholism fairly early on. Both of us all drank on the weekends for a while, plus then it became a nightly affair to throw back a few drinks either while in or after doing class work. Nowadays, though, I have upgraded our alcohol cravings with cannabis drink cravings. I buy these bubbly cannabis drinks to upgrade beer plus wine, plus thus far it’s finally working fairly well. It’s honestly a lot easier to get work done with some THC compared to alcohol. At least that’s what our limited experience has yielded. I just wish that these brand new cannabis drinks were cheaper, but I expect their price to drop along with the rest of the other cannabis products once they lose their novelty status.


recreational weed