Meeting old girlfriend with a trip to the cannabis dispensary

I was not exactly sure how it would go when I was contacted by my first real girlfriend after more than 30 years.

A trip to the cannabis dispensary before I met with her and after things with splendid.

My old girlfriend was actually someone I have known almost all my life. When we were kids we went to the same elementary school and we’re friends. We went to the same high school as well but ran in sort of different circles. We were both a bit straight-laced and had not had yet to tried any sort of recreational marijuana. Then we went to college. Without really having discussed it, we ended up at the same college. And that’s where we fell in love. It’s funny how we met at that one party. We saw each other across the room and both felt something pretty immediate. I heard her voice first as she was trying to save somebody from ruining pot brownies. I had no idea that she even had any idea about marijuana. So recently, when she told me she was out in my area would like to meet up for dinner I agreed. We were single so it seemed like a reasonable thing to do. I was nervous so I stopped by the local cannabis spot for an edible. I’m so glad I did because my old girlfriend still enjoyed recreational marijuana. This led to us sharing that edible and having a lovely dinner. And afterward, we enjoyed the best walk and talk we may have ever had.

Cannabis oil pen