I had never heard of holistic health until a year ago.
- My best friend had been talking to someone she worked with about the holistic health expert she knew.
I had never heard of holistic and started asking questions. My key question was if they were doctors or practitioners and how they differed from regular medical people. When she said she didn’t think they were, I was surprised. She said the holistic health practices were based on natural medicines and healing. They used yoga, herbs, and other natural elements for healing. I asked her what they used for pain, and she laughed. She gave me a conspiratorial grin and whispered that they used marijuana instead of chemistry. I had been considering medical marijuana for the pain I had from rheumatoid arthritis. Even though I was still working, it was getting quite difficult to do what I once had. She said the medical marijuana would be a great start and asked how I could get it. My family doctor had told me about a pain management clinic that regularly prescribed medical marijuana for their patients. With their help, they would send the diagnosis to the state, and the state would give me a medical marijuana ID card. I was glad I talked to my friend about holistic health or I wouldn’t have gone to the pain clinic and gotten my medical marijuana card. I may not be working in a store any longer, but I can work from home. Medical marijuana has made a big difference in the amount of pain I am experiencing.