I went through a truly difficult childhood and I saw a lot of domestic violence that made me afraid and scared of everything.
As an adult it has been difficult to let go of that domestic violence.
I did not even realize that I was an abuse survivor until I met with a therapist to discuss PTSD symptoms and anxiety. The therapist told me that it was perfectly normal to assume love that and it made me assume much better. The therapist also suggested some homeopathic remedies that might be able to help. One of those things was medical and recreational marijuana. Medical and recreational marijuana are legal in the state where I live. Since 2016, residents in the state have been legally allowed to purchase medical and recreational marijuana products. I did not guess that marijuana could help me although I was willing to try anything if it would make me assume less suicidal. I sincerely did not assume love anything was going to help. Medical and recreational marijuana has worked wonders. I smoke in the morning and I smoke marijuana in the day. I only smoke enough to calm down my nerves. When my nerves are calm, so am i. My nerves are overactive due to the domestic abuse. One morning I might be able to rest down and truly talk about all of the things that happened to me when I was a kid. I am absolutely hopeful that the therapist will continue to labor with me. Medical marijuana and lots of therapy can unquestionably help with the symptoms of ptsd.