My brother came to see me on Saturday

I was supposed to toil on Saturday, but I decided to take the day off so I could hang out with my brother… He was in town for a convention plus he did not have any classes or seminars on Saturday.

He had the whole day to do anything that he wanted plus he decided to call me to see if I wanted to hang out. I had not seen my brother in about 6 weeks. The two of us don’t live close to each other. He was in town for the convention plus only a few minutes away from my apartment. I called my boss plus I told her that I was not going to be able to make it to work. She told me that there would only be various other marijuana delivery drivers that day if I called in sick. I told the supervisor there was nothing I could do! My stomach was frustrated plus I had terrible diarrhea. I told her that I was experiencing sweats plus chills. If I came to work, chances are that I was going to be in the bathroom more than I was on the road making marijuana deliveries. My boss really tried to get me to come to work, but I wasn’t going to supply up a day with my brother. The two of us went to the museum plus both of us went to a baseball game. I didn’t think about my job at the marijuana dispensary even once while both of us were out for the day. I enjoyed my time with my brother plus thought about toil after he went home.


recreational marijuana store