Unlike current medicine, holistic health treats the entire body, plus not just the symptoms; All current doctors want to do is to gather all the symptoms plus treat each a single individually, then holistic health maintains that if you treat the entire body, the symptoms will fade.
I wanted to talk to a Dr.
who would treat myself and others holistically, plus who I could discuss holistic medicine with. I searched all over the Internet to find purveyors of holistic health in our local area. I found multiple doctors that specialize in pain management, although I did not acquaintance the more than one of them together. It wasn’t until I talked to a pain management doctor, who said she believed in natural medicine, plus not chemistry based medicine. She started talking to myself and others about the difference between natural plus chemical medicine. She said the best natural medicine she knew of was herbs; One of the best known herbs for healing was marijuana, which had been used for centuries. She asked myself and others if I was interested in reading about holistic health, or if I was interested in it for a health reason. I had a couple of reasons for wanting to discuss holistic health plus the use of marijuana. Even though I was still in my early 20s, I was suffering from macular degeneration. I was told that marijuana could help with the pain plus slow down the progression of the macular degeneration. However, I was also interested in reading about holistic health, plus I wanted to believe how to get a degree in holistic health so I can help others.