The edibles had cannabis and mushrooms in them

I got so high I forgot there were mushrooms in the edible, so when the visual hallucinations started it really threw me for a loop

I have just returned from a “lost weekend” with my old college friends, and I think I will need a few days to recover. Ever since graduating from the university some fifteen years ago, I have made an effort to stay in contact with my old friends. Once or twice a year I like to organize a get-together where all of us can meet and hang out for a couple of days. Sometimes we will rent hotel rooms, but normally we will pick a place more secluded, like a cabin in the woods or a condo on the beach. Once we are all together the cannabis and the booze comes out in full force, and we all get crazy for a weekend. I call it a “lost weekend” because nine times out of ten I come home with such a cannabis and liquor hangover I can barely remember what happened. This time we had a few new elements in the mix, because Jasper bought some edibles laced with cannabis and mushrooms, and Ellen brought a rig for dabbing. I had never dabbed cannabis wax before, but it delivers a remarkably clean and clear-headed high. The edibles were another story altogether, because it turns out there is a wicked synergistic effect when you combine high doses and cannabis with psychedelic mushrooms. I got so high I forgot there were mushrooms in the edible, so when the visual hallucinations started it really threw me for a loop. As always I settled myself down with more cannabis, and a large tumbler filled with bourbon.


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