I'm going to lose my job one of these days

The two of us were working at a radio station as well as the two of us had a great deal of listeners at the nighttime stations.

The listeners would call and request songs like Black Sabbath or Purple Rain.

One thing that I absolutely liked about the night job was the fact that I could regularly get high. Sometimes I would sneak out of the radio station for a couple of minutes so I could smoke some cannabis. Unfortunately there came a time when my boss decided to drug test everyone for cannabis and it became something that was no longer legal. The first time that I didn’t pass a test, my boss gave me a month and another test. I didn’t know if there was any chance that I would be able to pass this test or not. I thought it was strange and unusual that the radio station wanted to give me a drug test again. It’s like a radio station and who doesn’t smoke pot when you work in the radio industry. It seemed very strange and odd to me and I wanted to say no but I knew there was no option. Now the people I was with in addition to myself have to look for a different job, because we did not buy stuff for the cannabis drug test at work. Now we have to smoke at home and the two of us have to start looking for a different job at a radio station. I guess I will only smoke when I am at home and at the job I will just try to go without marijuana products.

Marijuana for sale