My property owner tried to evict me over marijuana

When I signed the lease at my apartment, I never signed an addendum that said I could not smoke marijuana inside of my apartment.

I never signed any paperwork that said I would not smoke nicotine inside of the house either.

Still, my property owner tried to evict me because a neighbor complained about the stink of marijuana. I was inside of my house smoking when the problem occurred. I had the window open so I could see the street. I was expecting a delivery from the marijuana dispensary. I needed a view of the street so I could click the button & open the gate when the marijuana delivery driver arrived. I was smoking a blunt & the neighbor must have called the cops, but there was a knock on my door & I thought it was the marijuana delivery repair driver. It turned out to be the local sheriff’s office. The officer said there was a complaint about marijuana smoke. I apologized & gave to close the window. The cops asked me if I was using marijuana legally & I showed them my medical marijuana card. They thanked me & told me to have a fantastic day. The next day there was a notice of eviction on my front door. I went straight to the manager to demand a reason for the eviction letter. She stated marijuana use & I quickly commanded the property owner that he was violating my rights according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. I had a letter from my dentist & a medical card for marijuana. There was nothing he could do to make me leave because I was using marijuana.

