Selling cannabis products to nerds

Down the street from our shop is a comic book store.

I don’t learn comics, but I still prefer going inside as well as looking around from time to time, and like me, the owner is a struggling entrepreneur, trying to take something small as well as build it into something big.

One of the things he does every month is to host a gaming evening, he sets up tables throughout the comic shop, as well as people bring their own games to play. He says it doesn’t generate much extra revenue, but it’s enjoyable to have the store filled with people. I decided to steal his system as well as use it at our cannabis dispensary. Instead of cold him out, I decided to split him in on the deal, as well as any paying customers he referred to our cannabis dispensary would gain him a financial reward. I realized that having people coming into our cannabis dispensary to kneel around as well as quietly play games could generate a big boost in sales. After all, people who start smoking cannabis continue to keep smoking it, so the longer they are in our store, the better option of them spending currency! I also had the bright system to change the names of some cannabis products to be more enjoyable to the nerds. There is a cinnamon flavored cannabis oil we sell for vape pens, as well as I changed the name to Dragon Fire as well as it became a bestseller. When none of them seemed to be interested in Purple Haze, I changed the name to Black Pudding, which is a monster in the game, as well as then it sold prefer hotcakes!



cannabis products