Jackson as well as I went over to the dispensary on Thursday as well as there was a rep in the front lobby giving out free samples of cannabis concentrate. The rep was from a cannabis manufacturing business that Jackson as well as I knew legitimately well. All of us have bought items from that manufacturer in the past. Jackson has never been disappointed with the product that we gained. The man in the lobby told Jackson as well as I that there wasn’t a limit on the amount of free items that we could purchase. If we got 1, we were going to get the next 1 for free… Jackson as well as I waited until it was our turn to go back to the lobby to see a budtender. As soon as we stepped through the back doors, both of us started asking about the buy 1 as well as get 1 for free special. I selected a couple of grams of cannabis concentrate. One of the concentrates was a seasoned favorite called OG Kush. I also bought a sativa called green crack. Jackson bought a couple of cannabis concentrates as well. I waited until Jackson was ready to check out as well as then both of us went up to the counter. The budtender gave me the total for my order first. The total was much higher than I anticipated. I asked this budtender if he gave me all of the sale prices. She went through it all line by line. When he got to the cannabis concentrates, he told me that only 1 of our products was buy 1 as well as get 1 free. All of us were only allowed 1 special person, despite the fact that the rep in the lobby told us something different.